Saturday, August 15, 2009


Phew... *wipes of sweat* monthly exams are finally OVER!!! Every1 had been working -nerding- extra hard this time... I can see that (: And i am sure all the hard work will definately pay off XD However... as exams are over... the scary moment had just begun ==" RESULTS!!! Not reali satisfied wif mine though =o sigh.... oh well... oni thing i can do is work harder nxt time ^^ As jianwei says.... montly oni mar -self comfort- =D But still... monthly or finals... its still an exam... and 4 that, we must do our best (:

Haven reali got ALL the results yet... So far oni recieved 2 sujects (: And as i said... not THAT saitisfied O.O Better pray that i can score better in other subjects... Life goes up and down :) Sometimes u do good, sometimes u dont... -or do you?- *winks at the nerds* (if u think u are a nerd urself, pls feel free 2 have a syok sendiri moment =]) Anyw, no matter wat the result is, it cant be changed... so if its good, be proud of ur achievement ; if its not THAT satisfying... just tell urselg dat u will do better in the future (:

Monthly exams ARE over 4 us... (f1,2,4) But this oni means that the day for the f3's and f5's had just became closer... PMR and SPM... not 2 forget... trials :x Yeap trials are nxt week... -i think- Before this u guys were saying that we were 24/7 nerds... NOW ITS OUR TURN!!! wakaka... jkjk (: Success is wat we all want, and the key 4 this success.... is 2 study hard (: -success comes along with action- (: So study hard ppl... And get remarkable results =D good luck guys [=

Not much 2 say anymore.... Oh yea... before i end this post...
-U did it (: U did very very very well this time (: We can see that u did put in A LOT of effort in it this time... And SEE!!! Ur effort paid off! Ur results proves it =] So just keep it running, and u will never be afraid of anything anymore :) But most important of all... -never doubt, be confident no matter how dim the light seems to be- KEEP IT UP-
(dedicated from dequan,amber and me o.<)